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Cream’s The Theme For The New Season

As we enter the autumn period and fast approach the dawning of winter, houses up and down the land are preparing their homes for the inevitable drop in temperatures by replacing their poorly performing windows for a more contemporary solution.

Many of these shrewd property owners are electing to have Residence 9 fitted to help maintain authenticity whilst benefitting from the energy efficient attributes of this modern alternative to the original 19th Century Flush Sash Timber Window.

And it seems as though cream is the favoured finish, a classic colour that will span the passage of time, far beyond this and many other winters to come.

The top image highlights an R9 installation in Harrogate where the clotted cream on white frame looks stunning against the aged brick backdrop. Cleverly, the householder has also stipulated triple glazing to help drive down the cost of future energy bills.

Below, you can see a set of flush casements in a grained cream finish fitted throughout this substantially-sized abode where they’ve really helped give it a huge aesthetic lift.

An energy rated ‘A’ 1.2 window U-value will similarly pay dividends as far as heating costs are concerned.

Smart thinking by both parties!